Thursday, September 19, 2019

Driving to the Badlands

It wasn't much of a drive really. We did go through Mary's old haunt.

Manny wouldn't like this trip so much I'm afraid. He hates new construction and thinks everything should stay the same as yesteryear. I can honestly saw that our government must be rolling in dough, because I have never seen so much construction before. Everywhere we go roads are being rebuilt, bridges are being replaced, buildings are being erected. We drove through an active construction zone in Colorado that was over 30 miles long of one lane driving on I 25. Unlike in California though, there are many people and machines working.

No one is rebuilding the Badlands though. It looks ancient. Poor lighting as we arrived around noon today, but we hope to get some nicer shots at sunset.

We plan on going for hikes tomorrow and see if I can really mess up my foot.


  1. There are only two seasons in Wyoming, south dakota, Minnesota...Winter and road construction season. Orange cones, orange cones...

  2. I believe that kk. We're heading west now so perhaps there'll be fewer cones in our future.

  3. So glad that they are making America great again.

  4. Brian, I suppose you can thank Donnie for that....
