Friday, May 15, 2015

Today's word is People

And lots of them. We ended up not riding to the top of the Needle because of the lines. If we had gone earlier when it was in the clouds, the ticket line was as long as the view from the top- 10'.

We did go to a museum called the EMP, which was Rock music, Scifi, and Pop culture. It was pretty cool.The guitar tower was 30' tall at least, comprised of over 700 instruments.

We've had enough of the city though; the noise, traffic, people, smoking. We're looking forward to starting the nature part of the trip. Soon, my friends, soon. Two more nights in this RV park and we wander into the yonder.

We did get to hike almost four miles today. And if I had my bike I could have ridden with the locals.



  1. Oh, I have my sources. Of course the passed out homeless guy I borrowed it from never even knew it was missing.
